On days like today I often wonder how I am going to be able to handle more children. R wants at least 2 more and I am not sure that I can successfully hold it all together if we have more children. Don't get me wrong I love my children and with all my heart, but on days like today they are exhausting. J even had an hour and a half nap today, and that would have been all good and I could have relaxed if K would have slept for more then a half hour, but no she was up crying shortly after J fell asleep.
J has been throwing fit after fit and I just am not sure what his problem is but it's causing me to want to run into my room and close the door and not come out for anything. K has also been temperamental today. I know she is only almost 3 months old but I feel like I have no idea what she wants or what is wrong with her. I just can't figure it out. She is in her swing right now and even then she is fussing. I just fed her and she has a clean diaper on and the only thing I can think of is that she is extremely over tired and I'm at that point today where she just needs to cry to wear her self out, because she just fights it when I try to rock her. I wish I could fix both their problems today but I just can't figure them out. I thought J needed a nap and he did, he fell asleep, but he woke up and still had melt downs. I thought K was hungry and so I fed her and she stopped crying for all of 2 seconds. I tried burping her but that didn't help. I'm really hoping she will fall asleep in her swing.
Right now though J is upstairs with FIL doing who knows what. Usually I try to keep him downstairs for a while but I have had just about enough of the fights and him not listening to me, and the break is a little bit needed. Call me selfish but I just don't care right now.
S is coming over tonight after R gets off work, hopefully that will occupy J and those two can play in their rooms. R can take K for a little bit so I can maybe get a shower and some alone time in before R runs off to his friends birthday dinner around 9.
Honestly I don't remember it being this hard when J was this little. And I had my 18 month old niece to look after at the same time. Maybe I'm just losing my touch, or at the ripe old age of 25 I'm getting to old.. Ha ha ha.
Got to run K is still fussing, gunna give rocking a try again.
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