Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been slacking in my blog writing and I have to say that this whole being pregnant has really put a kink in my emotional state. I still don't quite know how I feel, I'm getting used to the idea thats for sure. I have an ultrasound on the 4th to figure out how far along I am and if the pregnancy is viable. I'm not quite sure what I am expecting to see on the ultrasound and I don't think I can really get a grasp on how I feel until I know exactly what that ultrasound will say. I guess we just wait now.

This weekend was busy, we had a good easter egg hunt, no pictures of that but we did take video so thats good. We did take pictures of them opening their easter baskets and that was a lot of fun :) We went to our friends house to let our kids and their kids play together and we took some pictures of all the kids, man that was exhausting. Kids are hard to take pictures of especially when there is 6 of them :)

K has a major diaper rash so she is in disposables right now, and I really do feel like the worst mother in the world. The other night we followed our same routine where we change her diaper before her last feed and then she must have pooped sometime after that because in the middle of the night she woke up screaming and we couldn't figure it out and since she never poops during the night or needs a diaper change because she is not a heavy wetter. So we eventually settled her down and she went to sleep, but at 6:30 she had woken up and she had soaked through her clothes. So I changed her diaper and you could tell the poop had been there for awhile :( She had a bad rash and I felt so bad. We put her in a disposable right away and put cream on it, after that she was much happier and the next time I changed her diaper the rash had gone down a lot. But there is this one spot that is an open sore :( So we are putting her in disposables and putting polysporn on it. It is looking much better, I still feel like crap for not even noticing it but honestly she didn't smell and she didn't make any noises like she does before when she goes poop. We are changing her diapers more often and checking them more often as well. I just hope that it clears up quickly.

Diaper laundry needs to be changed over...

Gotta run.

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