Lately I have been reading other peoples blogs, some are interesting and some are not so much. Some I can't even understand because they are in a different language. I have come to realize that I am drawn to the blogs of other mothers who write about their lives and also who don't sugar coat the trials and tribulations of raising children. Also who write about how much they love raising their children and the joys that it brings.
So if I find a blog that I find interesting or cute and fun, then I will leave a comment, because I think people who blog and not put it as private are maybe hoping someone will come along and read their blog and possibly leave a comment.... or not. I know that deep down inside I think I would enjoy it if people were reading my blog and perhaps leaving a comment. Not that I consider my blog to be of anything comment worthy, but guess it is kind of nice to think that people are reading what I have to say.
I also think that maybe by me leaving a comment and letting them know that someone is reading their blog it might make them feel good :)
So if you read my blog feel free to leave a comment :) Even just to say hi and let me know you read my blog :)
Well baby K just woke up.
Gotta Run.
Well, I want you to know that your sweet comment inspired my recent post. I can't wait to read the rest of your posts. thanks so much for stopping by...
THanks for lurking on my blog. :) Solidarity in motherhood, Jen