Today is a very gloomy day outside, so that kind of cancels the bike ride I had planned to have with J, and the playmate picnic as well. It's kind of a good thing I guess because J never went to bed last night until 11:00, I have no idea why he wasn't going to bed either. Needless to say he will be going down for a "rest" today.
S is coming over today and apparently he hurt his leg really bad on a chair, but his mother says he can still walk. What he was doing playing around on a chair is beyond me. Sometimes I question her ability to parent the children she has. One day I will dedicate a post to her craziness and believe you me you will think I have made the whole thing up. I guarantee that is really not the case. Anyways, I have all three kids all day tomorrow since J doesn't have school. I hope it goes okay.
K is still sick, she just can't seem to get over her cough. Poor little girl, but really unless she is tired or hungry she is pretty darn happy. Always smiling and always cooing:) She is really getting into the giggling as well. Last night she was giggling so much!! At one point it was really loud too, I loved it! I wanted to get it on video but whenever I had the camera out she didn't laugh really. Oh well it will come soon enough where she is giggling all the time.
At the end of this month I get a new digital scrapbooking program! I am so excited for it, but sad that I have to wait a whole entire week! It's driving me crazy. I am also a little sad that I am unable to use my cricut machine. I love that thing and it is a great tool for scrapbooking, but with the lack of space we have there just isn't any room to do paper scraping. So until we get more room and a place of our own I will be going digital! I will do a review on it once I have it and know what its about. The YouTube video looked really good, and the reviews have been really good as well. So here is hoping that I like it.
Well K is fussing and I need to eat.
Gotta run
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