Friday, March 25, 2011

The most THANKLESS job around.

I would have to say that being a mother and a wife is the most thankless job around. We as mothers always put our children first, put our family first before ourselves, without so much as either getting a thank you or thinking that we deserve one. With everything that we do around the house and for our families it should be mandatory for everyone to say thank you to us at least once during the day.

I do laundry, clean the bedrooms, do the dishes, make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Wipe bums, change diapers, feed animals, take out the trash and I am sure much more then what I can think of right now, and 90 % of the time I don't even get so much of a thank you. Now when it comes to my children, granted they are 4, 3 and 4 months old so the thank you from them we are working on, but I kid you not every day during dinner J thanks me for making dinner. Does my DH or my FIL follow suit no. I think that's where it gets me, that is why I am writing this post. When we moved into R's Dads house it became clear that because I was home all day with the kids I would be the one to cook dinner, (FIL rule because he seems to think that women belong in the kitchen, no joke, makes me so angry!) so I went along with it so I wouldn't cause a fuss since he is helping us out by living her, but honestly he expects so much respect from everyone and expects everyone to thank him for what he does for them or it comes off rude. Seriously I didn't say anything to him one day because I was having a rough day with the kids and I was super tired and he was so pissed off and upset about it, and he claimed I never told him it was dinner but I said out loud into the living room that it was dinner time because J was in there as well. He didn't come up to eat and he complained to R that I completely ignored him and it was so disrespectful. No offence but it does go both ways, not once did he try to make an attempt to talk to me. GRRR anyways not once has he ever said THANK YOU for the dinner. His has said over and over again that if I make the dinner then he will clean up, but really I am the one who usually cleans up the kitchen and loads the dishwasher. I used to empty the dishwasher during the day as well, and for some reason he just up and started doing it. I think because I wasn't doing it up to his standards. Whatever no skin off my back.

This post kind of went off on a tangent, but what got me into thinking that is that although my child who is 4 years old says thank you almost every meal, my DH rarely says it, and my FIL NEVER SAYS IT. It's a little upsetting that my 4 year old has more manners and thoughtfulness in him then two grown men.

Maybe I am asking to much, maybe I shouldn't expect thank you everyday for at least trying to keep the house clean and putting a nice home cooked meal on the table every night, or making sure they have clean clothes to wear. Whatever the case is I just would feel better and maybe even more willing to do those things if a thank you was said every once in a while. Especially in regards to dinner.

But hey thats just me, maybe I'm crazy.


Or because we chose to have a family we should just accept that being a mother/wife is almost always a thankless job.


Gotta Run.

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