Tuesday, March 01, 2011


I'm done! I don't know why I want to spend more time with my son when all he does is fight with me. I can ask him to do a simple thing and it will turn into a huge fight. Asking him to get dressed just caused a very big fight and he ended up hitting me and it was just the last straw and I lost my temper and I screamed at him. I know it sounds bad for saying I don't want to spend more time with my son and believe me when I say this I love him with all I have and I would go to the ends of the earth for him, but it is just so hard sometimes.

I want to enjoy my days with him, I don't want to fight with him about getting dressed or throwing out his garbage or not being to rough with his sister, or not standing to close to the t.v.  Everything turns into a tantrum or a melt down. Putting him in time out is an ordeal all on its own. I even tried to spend one on one time with him well K was sleeping and it just ended up in a fight, he was being to rough with me and I told him to be gentle and not hurt me and then next thing I know is I am getting a knee in my back. I just don't understand why he can't simply listen to me.

If I want to not cause any fights that means I let him do whatever he wants and I am not okay with that. Where did I go wrong in raising him where it is always constantly a fight. It just seems like he forgets or he just chooses not to do what he was told sometimes literally 10 minutes prior.

And on top of all that K has been cranky and needy and every time I put her down she starts to cry, my house is a mess and laundry needs to be folded and put away.  I want just one day where I don't have to fight with my son or rock, bounce, pat K. I want happy children who listen.

I love all my children, but I guess I am just having a very hard time with it all lately.

Gotta run

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