Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Fall asleep on her own......

K is a little bit over 3 months old, and she has yet to ever fall asleep on her own. She has either been nursed, rocked, in her swing, or in the car seat. I want to start a routine with her so that maybe, just maybe I will be able to get to a point where I can just lay her in her crib when she is tired and she will fall asleep. She does not take a soother so I think that is really an issue, she has nothing to self sooth her self with. She hates those darn things, I continue to try time and time again, because I have been told that eventually she will take it. Well I really don't think that will be the case, I actually tried getting her to use one last night and she gagged on it. I don't think she will ever take one.

I've tried putting her to sleep with her listening to lullaby songs, I've tried swaddling her and not swaddling her. On her back and on her side, haven't tried her sleeping on her stomach yet, just not feeling like she is ready for that. If I don't rock or nurse her at night then she will just simply cry until someone comes and gets her, and even if we let her know we are right there she will still cry.

I'm not against letting her cry but I just don't think we should let her cry for more then a couple minutes at such a young age. Plus R can't stand to hear her cry, so that makes it hard to even try letting her cry for a little bit.

She has now gotten into the habit of sleeping in her crib so thats a plus :) about 3 weeks ago she would refuse to sleep anywhere but in our bed, and if I wanted my sleep then thats where she would sleep. One night I just tried to put her in her crib after she fell asleep nursing in bed and she stayed in the crib for a good 5 hours :) So we have that part figured out, but our next step is getting her to fall asleep on her own.  Hope it works out soon.

If you come across this post and you have any thoughts or opinions that you think might help or that worked for you I would love to hear about it. Please feel free to share what worked for you. Thanks :)

Gotta run :)

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